Monday, May 7, 2012

Giving it another shot...

Ok, so the whole "being a faithful blogger" thing hasn't clicked for least not yet. Well, I'm going to give it another shot.
Life sure has a way of throwing curve balls at us. We are no longer living in Ferndale, I am no longer working at Walmart, and Kia is no longer in school.
We ARE living in a nice apartment in town. I AM working at a different job doing reception work. Kia IS still trying to figure life out.
Kaylee is now a "middle schooler" at one of the smaller districts in the area. Last week she went to "Outdoor Ed" camp at Deception Pass for 4 days. She had a lot of fun and made some great friends. She has made some friends at the apartment complex where we live and after a few difficulties at first, she's adjusted to school pretty well. She's still in contact with some of her old friends from Ferndale, in fact, one of her best friends dad actually lives upstairs so she gets to see her on a fairly regular basis.
Life with Kia continues to be an adventure. The migraine is now 31 months old. For those of you keeping track, that's 2 years and 7 months. It seems we are no closer to answers now then we were 2 years ago. It's very frustrating to see what this has done not just to Kia but to our family. We are definitely looking at things differently now. Being the mom of a teenager is hard. Being the mom of a teenager with a chronic medical condition that effects judgement and choices is harder. But I WILL get through this. I don't have a choice.
And on a good note, the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming.

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