Friday, November 7, 2008

The place I love

We all know it rains...a western Washington.

It has been raining here for the last 3 days, non-stop! Don't get me wrong, I'm not really complaining! Well, maybe a little, but not much really.

As I sit here listening to the rain hit the windows and pound on the roof (that's what happens when you live in an easybake oven) I think of my parents who had over 10 feet of snow last year. Yeah, I'm ok with a little rain!!! This is a picture my mom took standing in her dining room looking out (or trying to look out anyway!).

In western Washington we have a little thing called "showers". Now I know, you may be thinking "Duh! I have a shower in my house too! Several in fact!", but that's not the kind of showers I'm talking about. If you're from around here, you know that there is definitely a difference between "rain" and "showers".

The thing is, it's all wet and it's all cold! Sometimes it's fun to stand in the rain and just get soaked. Providing you're someplace like your house where after you go for your little adventure outside you can come inside and take a warm shower! When you're coming out of the grocery store with a full cart and it seriously looks like God is taking a shower, that's not so much fun.

When you're driving and you have the wipers on high and you STILL can't see anything? Yeah, that's not so much fun either.

But the best thing about the rain?

It makes everything green! And I'm not talking about the moss growing on the siding of the house!

I love that in the summer, we have green grass.

I really love that when I plant flowers, if I forget to's really ok because it's probably gonna rain and I won't have to water anyway.

So, there ARE some good things about the rain!


Gretchen said...

I remember last year about your mom's house having so much snow! I don't know how they handle that. I'm mad when the snow sticks around here for more than 3 days! I also completely understand about the difference in drizzle and showers all too well. You should see the flooding that is going on around here, it's getting bad.
Another great post my friend, I love reading your words.
XOXO, Gretch

**Tia** said...

You know, I convinced a guy from Texas once, that all true Washingtonians are born with webs between their toes and that we have them removed as baby' know, like circumcision........LOL. Totally crazy. I love the rain. I live in Washington and I don't own an think I was born and raised here?.......hee hee.

Jessica Stier said...

Awwww, I miss the rain so much!!! It's darn dry here that your nose bleeds.