So apparently I'm not very faithful about this. But in my defense things have been super crazy around here. We just have busy schedules and not enough time to do all of the things we desire. As I mentioned before I'm going to college. I'm currently 2 quarters away from graduation and things are getting a little stressful. The 2 classes I'm taking right now are very homework intensive and THAT's not fitting into our busy schedule very well.
A typical week in our home right now looks kinda like this...
Sunday ~ Sunday school and Church from 9:30-12 than the last couple of weeks we've had rehearsals for the Christmas pageant that's coming up. Last week we also had Christmas Choir practice and Drama rehearsal on Sunday afternoon. On Sundays we also do a bible study with my brother and sister-in-law at 6:00.
Monday ~ Morning class for me, school for the girls than usually Drama Team meetings from 6:30-8
Tuesday ~ Morning and afternoon classes for me, school for the girls than I co-teach an afterschool Good News Club at Kaylee's school from 3:30-5
Wednesday ~ Morning class for me, school for the girls than from 6-8 we head back to the church for Faith and Fun Night for which I am one of the secretaries. After dropping off extra kids I usually get home about 8:30 or so.
Thursday ~ Morning and afternoon classes for me and school for the girls. AND our first free evening of the week!

Friday ~ Morning class for me and school for the girls and another free evening.
Saturday ~ This is usually the day we work around the house. Well, at least the day I work around the house. I also sing with the Praise Band at church and we have practice from 7-8:30.
So do you see why I haven't been very faithful about getting new stuff on here?
Now that Thanksgiving is coming we are getting into the holiday mood. I'm not as into it yet as Cutzi (I haven't broke out the Christmas CD's yet!) but getting there.
This Friday starts "The 4 weeks of Brinkley Birthday's" around here. Ezekiel will be 1 on Friday the 28th, than Kaylee will be 9 the following Friday the 5th, and my birthday is the 6th, then Timber (my nephew and Ezekiel's daddy) is the following Friday the 12th, than Kia will be 15 on Friday the 19th, than Christmas is 6 days later!
And just to make things a little more interesting around here I'm working on switching bedrooms with the girls. They need the bigger bedroom more than I do but I'm definately painting that little bedroom before I move my stuff in there! That means I'll have to sleep
So in a nutshell, that's what's going on in our lives...