Saturday, April 9, 2011

2 years and 5 months

That's how long it's been since I posted anything on here. Pretty sad actually since I really wanted to get into this like some ladies I know. Oh well, we'll just have to start again.

Kia is now 17 Where the heck did all those years go? She transferred to the alternative school here locally and seems to be doing much better. I am very proud of her for making the commitment to stay in school, even with some very difficult health situations she's had. In October 2009, Kia had H1N1 (aka Swine Flu). About 2 weeks after she recovered from that she got a migraine that never ever ever went away. We are now at 18 months of every minute of every day pain for my girl. It's had a huge impact not just on Kia but on Kaylee and I and everyone around us. We continue to try different medications and she's been trying Biofeedback Therapy at Children's Hospital for the last month and a half. It seems to be helping a little, in combination with the physical therapy and the medications but the actual pain is still there. She will have another MRI soon and we'll see if that shows any clues as to why she has been in this much pain for so long.

Miss Kaylee is now 11 and also recently switched schools. We moved into town and her new school is only a block from our apartment! YAY for walking to school! I have transported at least one child to school every single day (sometimes 4 times total in one day!) for the last 12 years and I no longer have to take anyone! Woo and 2 hoo's!!!

We did move into a 3 bedroom apartment in town and the girls are very happy to have their own rooms! We've been here since the last week of January and I have almost everything unpacked but I'm still trying to find places to put it all! It's coming together nicely and I'll post up some pictures when I get it all put together, hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Enough of a quick update for now. I promise to try and be more consistent then every 2 years or so!

1 comment:

Georgia said...

i hope i don't wait that long for my next post either. :)